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Assisted food chef

Assisted food chef

During the fever, there is a lot of food disorder. But some foods have a great effect to reduce or control fever. Apollo Hospitals, Dhaka's Chief Nutritionist Tamanna Chowdhury advised

Liquid food

Due to the fever, the body is rapidly becoming lean, so that it helps in the digestion of fluid, helps keep temperature normal, helps in preventing water disorders, etc. So at this time we should drink more water than other times. What you can eat as a liquid food without water is-

Fruit juice: Especially beneficial juice of lemon, pineapple, orange, malt, like Vitamin C, is very useful. If it is possible to drink these fruit juice two to three times a day, it will help with the emergence of instant energy and against febrile infections.

Chicken soup: If the fever increases the body's metabolic activity, it is necessary to add extra calories. At the time, so many of the role of proteins. But many people like to eat protein and do not want to chew. Chicken soup plays a very effective role in meeting the needs of nutrition as well as rapid recovery. Especially against viral flu. Mixing vegetables with it, lots of anti-oxidants are available.

Vegetable soup: Since fever is unhealthy, many people can not eat properly. Many people can not even digest food. Thus, patients fail to meet daily vegetables demand. In this case vegetable soup is used as alternative. If the ginger is added to the vegetables, then the water is also very beneficial for the patient.

Red tea: Red tea is useful in flux-cured fever. The best is to add ginger, long, cardamom to the halves and mix it with lemon and honey. Tulsi tea can be eaten without it. Green tea can eat without

Soft food

During the fever, it is better to have a lot of daily diet a little soft or semi-liquid. It is easy to swallow because these foods do not contain much chewing gum. Digestion is easy. Soft and thin Mugdal can be given to the patients of Khichuri, Jawat, Suji, Sagu, Pudding, Soft and Thornless etc.

Do not eat that

In addition to beneficial food for fever patients, there are some disadvantages, which should be avoided at that time. Such as fast food, oily and vegapora, gruepak food, salad etc.

► Tough food, milk tea, coffee, cold drinks etc. Because these foods just do not have difficulty in digestion; Rather than obstruct fast recovery.

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