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In the face of criticism by Burka, the UK's former Foreign Minister faces criticism

In the face of criticism by Burka, the UK's former Foreign Minister faces criticism

Former UK Secretary of State Boris Johnson said he would not want to apologize for Burka's comments. British Prime Minister Theresa May and Chairman of the Conservative Party Brandon Lewis asked Boris Johnson to apologize for that comment, but he is firm on his opinion.

Muslim women wearing burka 'felt like a letter box' and compared with those 'bank robbers' Boris Johnson was widely criticized,

The BBC Online report said Wednesday that Prime Minister Theresa May called this comment "Blatant Offense" and asked Boris Johnson to apologize. But a former foreign minister's source said, Boris Johnson said that he would not apologize and said that attacking him for this comment was 'ridiculous'.

The source further says, "We should not fall into the trap of closing debates on complex issues". Should talk about these issues. Failure to talk will create fields for reactionary and extremists.
In an article in the Daily Telegraph, Boris Johnson commented on the Muslim group, some MPs of the Conservative party and the opposition parties.

Boris Johnson also said in the article that the burka should not be banned, but it seems 'ridiculous' to see it.

The Conservative Muslim Forum said that such remarks spoiled communal harmony.

Conservative Party Chairman Brandon Lewis asked Barry Johnson to apologize for such remarks in a Twitter message.

According to BBC analysts, Boris Johnson is seen as a contestant for the Conservative Party's leadership. In particular, after discussing criticism of Prime Minister Thérésa Maru with breaks, she came to the discussion after leaving the position of Foreign Minister. That is why he may think that his apology for being forced to comply with the chairman's words can be considered as his weakness.

In the British cabinet, the first Muslim women criticized Baroness Warsi Boris Johnson, former Conservative Chairperson, saying that disciplinary action should be taken against Johnson for disciplining the party if he does not want to apologize.

He described Johnson's comment as "insulting, motivated, provocative but very cunning politics". According to Warsi, Boris Johnson is trying to focus attention on the issue of the burqa issue. Because he knows that such remarks will stir some part of the party.

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